by Nikki Jongedyk – Massage Therapist
In today’s society, depression, anxiety and stress is often driven by overactive central nervous system (CNS). When your CNS is overactive, the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) is active. The effect this can have on your health is detrimental, as the body is in a constant state of alert. While this is considered ‘normal’ in our society since we often cannot change this due to the amount of stress in our lives; we can however change the way we manage our stress.
When people come to see me and report stress and/or anxiety as their main complaint, I often address their vagal nerve. This nerve is located in the upper neck and governs your parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest). Opening up vagal nerve flow decreases stress by lowering blood pressure, slowing down body activity and allowing healing to take place.
Touch is also a valuable component to treat for stress and anxiety. Throughout childhood – we were always held and reassured through touch, and in a society where we are losing touch it can help reconnect us in a way other types of self-care can’t. Massage stimulates the CNS directly, via the peripheral nerves in the skin. It releases feel good hormones such as endorphins, serotonin and dopamine which encourages relaxation.
Always remember that when you are in a relaxed state, your mental well-being is optimal and you are better able to manage stress better. For this reason, I have created a handout for activating your vagal tone at home. It increases body awareness, lowers stress and helps you feel safe in your home environment. Investing in yourself will allow you to be your best self and better serve those around you.
Head to this article to see the exercise for activating your vagal tone.