

by Nicola Raimbert – Osteopath Migraines are an extremely intense headache, characterised by throbbing or pounding pain. Some people experience additional symptoms beforehand and afterward including fatigue, irritability, brain fog, blurred vision, light or...
Tension Headaches

Tension Headaches

by Nikki Jongedyk – Remedial Massage Therapist When it comes to what is causing headaches, the multifaceted dimensions are endless. My focus on the cause as a Remedial Therapist is tension headaches. The main causes of tension headaches are prolonged position...
Four Great Exercises for Reconnecting to Your Breath

Four Great Exercises for Reconnecting to Your Breath

Exercise 1 Lie on your stomach, head turned to one side and simply breathe, slowly and deeply, for two minutes. Pay attention to which parts of your trunk are moving. You should feel your abdomen expanding and your chest remaining relatively still. This is how we...
It’s ok to say NO and prioritise your self care

It’s ok to say NO and prioritise your self care

Nicola Raimbert – Osteopath   Five years ago, when I opened Arise Osteopathy, I had to navigate all the challenges of self-employed work and the early years of motherhood. I wrote this blog post about work/life balance. Amazingly, it all still rings true...
Work/Life Balance

Work/Life Balance

by Nicola Raimbert – Osteopath What does it mean to have work / life balance? If we really think about that statement, it implies that work is not part of life. That’s just not true, nor possible. Many of us will interpret that statement as ‘work’ being negative...
Perimenopause and Sleep

Perimenopause and Sleep

by Lucienne Steel – Naturopath In the previous post, we talked about the link between your blood glucose levels and perimenopause. In this post, we will be talking about perimenopause and the importance of quality sleep.   Low amounts or poor quality of...