

Courtney Payne – Physiotherapist Nocturia – a normal part of ageing? When we sleep our bodies produce less urine and it becomes concentrated so that we are able to sleep long periods without waking to use the toilet. Waking up during the night to empty...
Top Nutritional Tips for a Better Nights Sleep

Top Nutritional Tips for a Better Nights Sleep

Dr Lydia Altini – Health Coach   Avoid eating dinner too close to your bedtime. When you’re actively digesting your food, you are less likely to sleep as deeply and more likely to wake up. Staying hydrated during the day and avoiding high salt foods at...
Sleep Hygiene Part 2 – The Ideal Bedtime Routine

Sleep Hygiene Part 2 – The Ideal Bedtime Routine

Nicola Raimbert – Osteopath Feeling a little lethargic? Grumpy? Out of sorts?  Need more shut eye but having trouble switching off?  I’m not surprised.  Life is hectic. Non stop. It’s hard to switch off these days when there are more avenues of...
Sleep Hygiene

Sleep Hygiene

Nicola Raimbert – Osteopath   Trouble sleeping? You’re not the only one.  A 2016 Sleep Health Foundation survey found that 33-45% of Australian adults don’t get enough shut eye. (1)  Some people have medical disorders. Some people are too busy....
The Art of Sleep

The Art of Sleep

  Why is sleep so important? by Allanah Robinson Cook and Caitlin Hunter – Naturopaths One night of poor sleep isn’t the end of the world. However, over time the accumulation of sleep debt will impact quality of life and increase the risk of chronic pain...
The Art of SLEEP

The Art of SLEEP

Want blissful sleep and to wake up rested? Join us for a restful morning sharing tips and tricks to improve your sleep and optimise your overall health. We’ll be exploring: Massage techniques to aid relaxation Four chambered breathing Yoga Nidra Naturopathic tea...